Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Small incident

Last Sunday we planned to have dinner outside.Naresh and Vishal were already at the restaurant.Sandeep bhai went on bike and I preferred to go by 8.00 PM office vehicle.Only me and Thorat ji (vehicle driver) were in the vehicle.Just when we left GMRT colony,one two wheeler passed very close to our vehicle.Out of curiosity I asked Thorat ji don't he get frighten by such incidents.

He said something which I will never forget in my life.

He said " Sahab main darta nahi, bas manzil tak kaise pahuchu aage kaise nikalu yahi dimag mein hota hai".
So simple yet so powerful sentence.He doesn't fear, he just concentrate on his destination.he just find out solution from nowhere to reach his destination as soon as possible.

Very often in our daily struggle of life, we are caught by fear,seldom we concentrate on solution.
More often solution is in front of us,but because of fear,we fail to see the solution.

I have learned a lot from this small incident, that's why someone said sometimes a small thing can teach you a valuable lesson for lifetime.
I have learned my lessons that I will never fear,I will concentrate on my destination and I will always try to find out solution no matter how much messy the situation is.

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